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Selectmen's Minutes - January 18, 1995
        Joint Meeting (Selectmen & Water Commissioners)
                   Minutes - January 18, 1995

    Meeting opened by Phyllis Bickford, Chair of the Water
Commission at 7:40pm.  Water Commissioners present: Phyliss
Bickford, Chair; Robert Andrews, Donald Morway with Carol
Sevizzero (secretary) and Counsel Patrick Costello.  Selectmen attending: Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn, Peter Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk with Joe Nugent, Executive Secretary to Board of Selectmen. Also attending were Mrs. Dahlberg and Barbara Ferguson (Enterprise).

I. FinCom Budget Memo: a short discussion ensured on the expected procedures to be followed by the FinCom this budget season.  No board or commission is precluded from making a presentation on their budgets before recommendations are rendered for Town Meeting. It is an attempt to make everyone aware of the big picture of Town finances.  

II. Executive Session request: Motion 1/18/95.1: move to enter executive session with selectmen and Town Counsel under exception #6 for strategy discussions about acquiring real property (Clark's Brook Street property).  Motion made by Morway with second by Andrews. ROLL CALL VOTE: Bickford: Aye; Andrews: Aye; Morway: Aye; Murdoch: Aye; Flynn: Aye; Jones: Aye; and Kuchinski: Aye.  Motion carried unanimously.

At 9:35pm the Boards ended their Executive Session.  Bickford
stated that efforts were continuing to have an open and
satisfactory dialogue with the Brook Street landowners.  She
reiterated the chronology of proposed upcoming progress which
includes a February 9th meeting with abutters on the well issue
and the next meeting on February 14th with ConCom.  The Board
continues to wish to eliminate the water hook-up moratorium by
pursuing water development.  The Board will continue to be open
to meet with property owners, the ConCom and assist with
educating the public on the general topic of water; its sources
and quality importance.  

III. Adjournment: At 9:45pm, after deciding to meet February 15th
at 7:30pm, the members of the Board of Selectmen and Town Counsel
agreed it was time to leave.  The Board of Water Commissioners
continued with their meeting for other issues.